Amparo Pérez Villar

Product Design · Digital Art Direction

When something is simple and intuitive, progress is made.

UX/UI Design

A personal project where Research led me to solutions so simple that they are right in front of us and could improve the wellbeing of many people.

UX/UI Design

An app to boost smart cities by improving quality of life, family reconciliation and the environment.

UX/UI Design

Detect the needs of the client by creating an action in RRSS through a mechanics with an incentive, achieving the objectives by increasing traffic and lead conversion.

UX/UI Design

This product offers a service to its users and at the same time meets the client’s objectives:
Increased footfall to salons, new product launches and lead conversion. 

Art Direction

Creation of the graphic image for the 69th Season of ABAO Ópera Bilbao, Spain.

Art Direction

Illustrations for Season 16 of ABAO Txiki focused on children’s audiences, providing simplicity and fun.

Art Direction

Ideation and graphic design of the Escuela de autor material, where the concept is linked to each subject according to age.